넷플릭스, 디즈니보다 유튜브가 경쟁 상대
넷플릭스는 17일 주주들에게 편지를 보냈다.
CNBC에 따르면, 넷플릭스, 디즈니와 같은 비디오 스트리밍 기업들에대해 너무나 걱정하고 있지 않다.
넷플릭스의 상대자는 모든 옵션(포트나이트나 유튜브 같은)이라고 한다.
많은 받아쓰는 한국의 기자들이 "넷플릭스가 디즈니나 HBO, 아마존 등의 다른 스트리밍 서비스는 더 이상 신경쓰지 않는다고 밝혔다. 오히려 유튜브나 포트나이트 같은 곳이 경쟁자라고 강조했다." 라고 하는데 정확한 워딩은 모든 위협에 대해 고민하고 있으나 그리 걱정하고 있지는 않다. 이 정도가 되겠다.
Netflix beat on earnings, but missed on revenues — Here's what six experts say to watch now from CNBC.
Stop it with all the talk about Netflix losing subscribers from the oncoming deluge of streaming services. Netflix says you're focusing on the wrong thing.
It's not Disney's new streaming video service or HBO or Amazon that Netflix is worried about, the company said today in its letter to shareholders. Netflix estimates it has already earned about 10 percent of all U.S. television screen time. The company also shared viewership statistics for some of its exclusives, boasting that "Bird Box" netted 80 million viewers in its first four weeks on Netflix, while "You" will get about 40 million over the same period.
Instead, it's newer forms of entertainment — such as Fortnite and Google's YouTube — that got shout-outs in the company's letter as stronger competitors.
"Our focus is not on Disney+, Amazon or others, but on how we can improve our experience for others," Netflix said in its shareholder letter. "We compete with (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO. When YouTube went down globally for a few minutes in October, our viewing and signups spiked for that time."
CEO Reed Hastings said on the company's earnings interview that he "likes" Disney and is excited for the Disney+ launch. Ultimately, he said, it's about winning time, not content.
"We compete so broadly with all of these providers, that any one provider entering only makes a difference on the margin," Hastings said.
현재 주가로 보면 넷플릭스는 아마존이나 구글에 비하면 한참 아래다. 다만 디즈니와는 격차를 벌리고 있는데, 추이를 계속 살펴봐야 할 듯하다.